/root/group/rock (or ROCK)
/root/group/paper (or PAPER)
/root/group/scissors (or SCISSORS) to map to YouWinController
/root/group/(everything-else-but-ROCK|rock|PAPER|paper|SCISSORS|scissors) to map to YouLoseController
Both URL patterns are very similar, because each one consists of 3 strings separated by '/'. We can start by defining some constraints, but at the same time we have to define the exclusive pattern first. In this case, exclusive pattern is the one mapping to YouLoseController.
class UrlMappings { static mappings = { "/root/group/$loseParam"(controller: "youLose", action: "/loseAction") "/root/group/$winParam"(controller: "youWin", action: "/winAction") { constraints { // get all string values from the enum def list = stringList(Vals) // make sure lowercase values are also included list.addAll(list*.toLowerCase()) $winParam(inList: list) } } } }
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